
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Silent Noise

Ever had that strange feeling of being surrounded by a noisy crowd of people and you cant really hear much or focus on anything kind of like you're in a tunnel that is blocking out the sound and obscuring your view??

That's pretty much been my life for the past month. I feel like my world has been picked up by a giant ogre monster and shaken like there's no tomorrow. It kinda sucks to say the least. I've found myself staring blankly at this blog quite a few times lately wanting to release but not quite knowing what to say because I am actually a quite private person and the thought of opening up and sharing gritty details of my life are kinda scary. I know one day i will be at a place where i can go into details about things but I'm not quite there yet. 

There is one thing I ask though... If you believe in the power of prayer please lift me up when you get a chance. 

Pray that I would be strong and find my footing again. 
Pray that while I might not have been able to be a great wife (or so it seems most days) that i will be the best mom to my two children. 
Pray that peace will come in my storm.
Pray that Joy will be the song of my life and not bitterness and pain
Pray that I will once again dream big dreams
Pray that this will be a beautiful disaster
Pray that I will once again hear the noise and see the crowd

I believe with all of my heart that those things are not impossible. I have to believe that there is more to my life than this, it helps me get up everyday. Well that and these two beautiful children that God has blessed me with. Without a shadow of a doubt I believe that God can take any situation and turn into good for those who love him. (Rom 8:28) I know that mistakes and failures are never the end of the story if you allow God in to edit it. 

Thank you for your prayers and allowing me to release some of my pain into the internet world. 
