
Monday, June 2, 2014

Kids are funny

As we get closer to our departure date I thought I would write down some of the things my kids are concerned about for our trip. My son is nine and a half and my daughter is five and a half (when you're a kid that half matter A LOT! Not so much when you're an adult lol) 

My daughter let me know the other day that was not allowed to put her in boots when we fly. Because the last time I did she wasn't allowed to get "through". (I am pretty sure she made up this memory)

She also wants to make sure grandma and grandpa have plenty of sunscreen. Because if not we have to buy it and take it with us. (I'm pretty sure there is a good supply of sunscreen in Abu Dhabi but I'm so glad she's thinking about her skin health)

My son thinks the weather will be like 200 degrees and that he will melt there. 

I'm sure we will have more concerns and funny moments as the time gets closer and when we start the journey.