
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sundays Around the Dinner Table

Iron sharpens iron.

This concept is played out every Sunday afternoon at my kitchen table. No we aren't actually sharpening pieces iron but in the spiritual sense we are chipping away at things that need to be changed in our lives. Some friends of ours come over between services because they have a nice little drive so in order to help them save gas and for us to have fellowship we have opened our home to them between our two sunday services. We all hang out and have a good time but lately it seems like as soon as our food is done and the kids are of playing we adults find ourselves sitting around the table having some intense conversations. Conversations that bring up a piece of our lives that we might need to change. It has become an inside joke that whoever sits in a certain chair will have their mail read. There are usually tears involved and sometimes feelings get hurt simply because we are not ready to address certain areas of lives. And more times than not when we walk into church for our evening service some of our discussion points show themselves in the sermon. (which is always nice confirmation)

I think having friends in your life that can keep you accountable is very important. If your friends never challenge you to be better are they good friends? Are those the people you want to be around day in and day out? I want to be a better Alex and in order to get there I need people who will push me there. I thank God for the people He has put in my life because they love me enough to point out things that may not be where they need to be. They are never rude or condescending about it but always loving and challenging. They don't just point fingers and say you are this horrible person but they suggest ways to improve in that area.

Do you have a group of friends like that? Do you have a "spot" like our kitchen table?

Don't be content with being ordinary! Don't be content with the same ol same ol! Strive for more and surround yourself with people who are going to help you get there.

Unless someone like you cares an awful lot, nothing is going to get better - Dr Seuss

(We went to see the Lorax last night and i thoroughly enjoyed it! I may or may not have been that one parent, you know the one. The one that is laughing louder than the kids in the theater. If you care about something do something)


  1. keep blogginggggg!!!!! :)

    1. Thanks...we are trying to get in a groove :)

      ps your blog is so cute!!!

  2. You are so right about this! Friends can show you things that sometimes you can be so stubborn/blind to even recognize. I have a bestfriend who I share everything with and she constantly challenges me to improve myself and my surroundings. Anywho, just wanted to say I loved this post!

    Also, Thank you so much, Natasha, for commenting..I also am a lover of Toms! And the scarf was actually handmade by a woman at my church!

    James 4:8

    1. Thanks!! :) Good friends are rare and so valuable!

  3. hi :) i was "...chasing kite tails," when i found myself landing here! glad to connect with you and i look forward to following your progress through sept of 2012!

