
Friday, June 29, 2012

Golden Year

So I recently (like three days ago) celebrated my birthday! I have officially turned 27 and have 30 knocking on my door *tear*! And yes I am very dramatic, I cannot help it I just seem to have a flare for it. ;) 

Anywho, my sister Natasha has informed me that this will be the BEST year of my life. Why? I'm so glad you asked! She says that its because I turned 27 on the 27th and this is supposedly some tried and true truth (insert skepticism here). I am not sure that her argument is backed by the strongest evidence based research BUT I sure do like the hypothesis! I am believing that this will be the best year of my life (thus far)!

I am going to be celebrating my birthday this weekend with family and friends. We are doing dinner and bowling. It should be a GREAT time! I will try and post some pictures so you can keep track of my Golden year. Lets take this journey together and make this our best year yet (even if your age and date of birth don't match, be a rebel lol) 


P.S. Regarding my sisters reasoning; what about the people who have birthdays on days ten or less?!?! Their best years were during a time when they probably don't really remember clearly? So sad.. I hope for their sake this is not true!! If you are one of those people I am sorry that when you were two it was your best year ;) I say strive to make every year your best year because at the end of the year it was our choices that made it or broke it! What will you do this year to make it better than last year? 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Keep Calm and Carry On

This phrase has been on my mind a lot lately with all the changes I've been facing in life. I first saw it two months ago on the wall of my sister's pastor's house in South Carolina and it struck a chord in my heart then.

It amazes me how often we as children of God freak out when obstacles come our way instead of staying calm and trusting God and just going on with our business. I have been known to fall apart in times past but I have been praying and asking God to strength my faith so that instead of falling apart I can hold me head high knowing He will take care of me! And I must say I think im finally getting a hold of it. That is not to say i havent had moments in this current mess when ive questioned things and wondered why me?! But I have continued to put one foot in front of the other and I have a peace about my situation. I know that God will come through for me. and while my life may not be shaping up the way I always dreamed it would when I was a little girl I know He can still make it into a magnificent life!  

And those who know Your name will put their trust in You, for You, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You. (Psalm 9:10)

If you are facing an obstacle or two or ten today, hold your head high and trust in the Lord. Worrying and freaking out will not change your situation and i dare say it will not make you feel better only worse. So instead of doing the same things we've always done when confronted with a giant in our life why not keep going in the Name of the Lord and trust Him and allow Him the opportunity to show up. The things we go through should not surprise us so much and make us so off kilter that people cannot tell that we are covered by the One True Living God!

Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you (1 Peter 4:12)

Seek Him instead of freaking out! See how much better you feel. It might not miraculously change your situation but it will change you and thats whats most important in the end anyways. :)

Friday, June 8, 2012

You is smart, You is kind, you is important

People's negative body/life imagine use to make me so mad now it just makes me sad. We are so quick to point out flaws that we lose sight of what makes us so perfectly wonderfully chaoticly us! I'll be the first to say I have close to a billion flaws but I'll also be the first to say that I have a billion and 1 things that make me special. I think that's what confidence really is...not thinking highly of ourselves but knowing we are just as perfectly flawed as the person next to us.
Challenge #1 every time you think something negitive about yourself find 2 positive things.
Challenge #2 Every time you think/say something negative about someone else find 3 postitive things about that person.

From now on if I hear someone say something negative i'll be asking for those 2 or 3 positive things :)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dream on Dreamer

"For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay." Habakkuk 2:3

If God has given you a promise hold onto it. He will fulfill His word.

God has given me some dreams, burdens, desires and I will hold onto them as if my life depends on it.

"Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." Proverbs 29:18

Things are not yet as they should be but I know if I hold on they will be.

God has not given up on me even if i had a momentary lapse of faith in myself.

Be encouraged today! If your life is not what you thought it would be or what you think it should be just hold on and allow God to do His thing. Dream bigger, Trust Him more, Live better. Don't back down or cower in a corner; stand tall and continue living life today! It can and will get better if you place it all in the masters hands.