
Friday, June 8, 2012

You is smart, You is kind, you is important

People's negative body/life imagine use to make me so mad now it just makes me sad. We are so quick to point out flaws that we lose sight of what makes us so perfectly wonderfully chaoticly us! I'll be the first to say I have close to a billion flaws but I'll also be the first to say that I have a billion and 1 things that make me special. I think that's what confidence really is...not thinking highly of ourselves but knowing we are just as perfectly flawed as the person next to us.
Challenge #1 every time you think something negitive about yourself find 2 positive things.
Challenge #2 Every time you think/say something negative about someone else find 3 postitive things about that person.

From now on if I hear someone say something negative i'll be asking for those 2 or 3 positive things :)

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