
Friday, June 29, 2012

Golden Year

So I recently (like three days ago) celebrated my birthday! I have officially turned 27 and have 30 knocking on my door *tear*! And yes I am very dramatic, I cannot help it I just seem to have a flare for it. ;) 

Anywho, my sister Natasha has informed me that this will be the BEST year of my life. Why? I'm so glad you asked! She says that its because I turned 27 on the 27th and this is supposedly some tried and true truth (insert skepticism here). I am not sure that her argument is backed by the strongest evidence based research BUT I sure do like the hypothesis! I am believing that this will be the best year of my life (thus far)!

I am going to be celebrating my birthday this weekend with family and friends. We are doing dinner and bowling. It should be a GREAT time! I will try and post some pictures so you can keep track of my Golden year. Lets take this journey together and make this our best year yet (even if your age and date of birth don't match, be a rebel lol) 


P.S. Regarding my sisters reasoning; what about the people who have birthdays on days ten or less?!?! Their best years were during a time when they probably don't really remember clearly? So sad.. I hope for their sake this is not true!! If you are one of those people I am sorry that when you were two it was your best year ;) I say strive to make every year your best year because at the end of the year it was our choices that made it or broke it! What will you do this year to make it better than last year? 

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