
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Amidst the Rubble

My heart aches, my soul moans
I try to keep up the facade but
It's clear to me these smiles are just on loan.

They say be strong, you'll be fine
That life is better off this way
Why did my life have to unwind

If my heart could speak today that is what it would sound like. 

I do not apologize for the days like today when I sobbed uncontrollably. They are necessary in this thing called life. My life has been thrown some curve balls this year (I recently finalized a divorce and am now raising two kids alone and my sister/best friend moved four hours away leaving me with no immediate family nearby) and I'd like to think I have handle them fairly well considering most of what I held dear was yanked from me and my life was turned upside down. I will come out of all this much stronger and ready to attack anything that comes my way. 

If you are in the middle of a storm, hold on. It will get better. You may feel like your world is crashing in around you and it may be but you can stand amidst the rubble and choose to rebuild. It is possible. :)



  1. Dude this is so raw, I love it! NOT your pain but your honesty about it when so many of us try to hide behind a smile!

  2. Thanks Liv :) I figured if we are writing posts to keep in touch and share each others lives that I might as well be honest and real. If you cant be honest with you blog who can you be honest with ;) I <3 you

  3. I'm with Liv. Raw is awesome. I even googled to see if that was a real poem..good job.

    I love you and am SOOO proud of you. It might not be going how you planned but you'll end up right where you're supposed to be. Remind me to call you and tell you about Sister Neely's testimony.
