
Monday, September 24, 2012

Weekend in Amarillo

Hello my fellow americans lol I've always wanted to say that. :)

So since all of my sisters and I live apart we are really going to try to start blogging on a regular basis so we can all keep up with each other. Monday's are my days so every monday i will be on here keep everyone updated with the latest gossip in my life.

This past weekend my fiancé and I met up in Amarillo,TX to have a weekend with just us. It was very nice and relaxing. We both got in really late Friday. Saturday we slept in, which was much needed on both of our parts! We then went to breakfast in our hotel. I had oatmeal and he had waffles and yogurt. We then had to decide what to do with our day so we decided to go to the movies to see "Dredd" which of course was his pick. NOT mine. lol I must say it was actually pretty good. Not a lot of cussing but there were a few "f" bombs here and there.

We then we to Sports World which had, putt-putt, go karting, batting cages, and a few video games inside.

So of course we went with go karting first! Which I didn't want to do because I really am scared of them! But he made me go and since it was just us on the course I went. It was actually really fun. The karts weren't that fast which I liked and Alan hated. Alan's kart actually stopped working in the middle of our last lap trying to up a hill LOL Which meant I won. :)

Alan getting

We then played putt-putt. Which it was SO hot outside that after the 10th hole we just kinda gave up and was messing around. :) we then we went inside to cool off and play some air-hockey. He won all 4 games. yes ALL 4 games..  :(

After playing we called his Aunt and Uncle which lived in Amarillo. It was my first time meeting them. They were super nice. We went out to eat at a chinese food place. It was actually really good. :) I got the house plate with chicken, zucchini and tons of other vegetables.

After having dinner we decided to go downtown to a bar and see what has happening. It was kinda dead but maybe because we went there pretty early. So we just had a beer together and called it a night!

Sunday. the dreaded day we had to say goodbye till next time. We called the hotel asking for a last check-out and they say we could check out 2hours late. Which was super nice. So we just laid in bed and watched some movies on tv. After check-out we went to Rudy's to have lunch together. I LOVE Rudy's! I get the same thing every time I go there. The turkey!! :) :)  

18 more days till we get to see each other again...

p.s. since I didn't say this before. I live in Dallas going to Culinary school and my fiancĂ© lives in Albuquerque.  We are doing long distance till I finish school which will be Oct 2013.

1 comment:

  1. Love the movie review. I haven't heard of that movie but I need to start going to the movies. Haven't since sparkle. Did you see pitch perfect?

    All four games?! Come on, Del! You need to work on that haha :p
