
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day 21

I have made it three weeks into this challenge and I feel great!! 

I have survived two weekend trips, working at the office and at home, a few trips to the movie theater... I can conquer it all! 

I have nine more days to go to finish this challenge out. So I thought I'd reflect a little today. 

It hasn't been easy but it definitely wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. I have made sure I always have a snack in my purse so I don't succumb to temptation while out and about. 

Day 11 all I wanted was some ice cream (to say we are a big ice cream family would be a vast understatement) so fighting that craving was intense. 

This week I have had my female visitor (tmi you say? O well I say!) so all I have been wanting is a pan if brownies (yes I said pan), choc chip cookies and a great big ok dr pepper. So that has not been fun at all but I'm staying strong. 

I have already seen some results and I'm not sure if anybody else can see them at this stage but I can and that's really all that matters to me!! I'm am picking up my exercise these last 9 days just to end it with a bang. 

I would encourage you to research the 30 day paleo challenge and give it a go. It's an adjustment and takes some planning but its only 30 days. You can do it!! 

Ps I got Natasha to try it, she started yesterday . Good luck tashy bear!! 


  1. Good job! I posted about goes nothing. :)

    1. :) you'll do great! Especially since you're already eating eggs and spinach. Look at you!
