
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Flies In Your Nard

I grew up with my mom constantly telling me "Life is not fair, Alex Nichole". For the longest time I just thought she said that to shut me up and so she didn't have to give me what I was asking for. And while that may have been the case a few times (I am on to you mom) I think most of them were her actually trying to prepare me for real life (which I didn't realize until I was living that thing called real life). Thanks to those quips from my mom I was able to decide early on that while life was not fair I still had choices I could make. I could live life as a victim or a victor and it was solely my choice. So I chose the only logical choice to me which was the victor.

Some people are under that false understanding that when you start living for God
everything becomes fair and good. This is not the case because you are still living in a corrupt world. So life is still going to be hard and un fair. BUT you know how a hope that rises above all of that. When we worship God we are sending up a perfume ,or nard, to heaven. One that only we can send up because only we can worship Him for what He has done in our lives. Sure other people may know our situations and have prayed for us but they weren't in the middle of it, they didn't sleep in the valley and have to climb up the mountainside to reach the top like you did.

When we let bad situations or dumb decisions effect our worship of the One, True God we have allowed flies into our nard.
Dead flies make the perfumer's ointment give off a stench (Ecc 10:1a)
And when flies are allowed to stay in our perfume it creates a stench. We must be mindful of this and make a conscious effort to pluck the flies out of our perfume. How? By worshipping God DESPITE everything else.

You will fall, probably multiple times, but get back up!
You will make mistakes, and maybe even cause others to make mistakes, try to correct them and move forward.
You will get tired, you are living life after all, get refreshed by HIM.
You will make people mad, and you'll make yourself mad, its not the end of the world.
You may even find yourself rolling around in the mud a time or two, pick yourself up, clean off and look for higher ground.
You will get your feeling hurt, forgive and let go.
Bad days will come, but they wont last forever.

When we experience all of that and then some and still praise God because of HIS greatness we have discovered what worship is all about. It really has nothing to do with us and our stains and scars but everything to do with Him and His love and scars. Choose today to be a victor. Pluck those flies out of your nard so it can be sweet smelling to your Lord again.

Life is hard. For everyone, no matter what it looks like to the outsider. We all have situations we must overcome if we are going to live the best life we can. Live your best life today and send up sweet smelling nard!

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