
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Victory is mine!!!

I made it 30 days on the paleo challenge!!! I am so proud of myself because I stuck with it and finished! It was by no means the easiest thing I've ever done because I am a dr pepper lover and fast food connoisseur as well as being a single mother of two fast paced children, working full time and going to school full time to complete my bachelors, so time is not on my side to say the least. I was always "too busy" to cook on a regular basis so convenience usually won out in our home for dinner time. And while all these things weretrue or   relatively true a month ago I still did it and realized a lot of my excuses don't really hold water. 

I think I will be adapting some of what I learned this month into our normal routines. I won't be as strict as the challenge because let's face it sometimes a girl just needs a juicy cheeseburger and fries or a bowl of ice cream!!! But it definitely won't be as often as it used to be.  I have proven to myself that I can live without carbs which I also thought would happen when pigs sprouted wings and took flight. So I will definitely be limiting those as well and only allowing myself to splurge there sometimes. 

All in all it was a great experience and I would do it again and probably will. Especially since mr scale(yes my scale is a man bc they never say the right thing;)) says im down 8 pounds. Not too shabby for somebody who has a hard time dropping pounds!! I have encouraged people to try it. Even got my sister on board. I think today is her day 12. Should I run my post challenge food in her face??!! I think that's the only right thing to do as her big sister. ;)

A few things that stood out to me this past month were:

I eat a lot. (I dare say I had a relationship with food that might've teetered on an addiction. Yikes!! I found myself wanting to eat when I first started just because I was bored or I was used to eating so much)

It wasn't as expensive as I thought it would be (although I didn't go the organic route and all that. Because really ain't no body got money for that. See the before mentioned sentence about single momdom!)

I had to do way more dishes than normal (or my son did but same difference)

I saved a lot of money ( I haven't sat down and added it all up, and I probably won't because it would prob depress me haha. But I'm pretty sure it was at least over a hundred dollars I saved this month not eating out on a regular basis)

I do have more time than I think (thank you Jesus for this realization)

Well that's my 30 days in review!!! If you're up for it I suggest trying the challenge. You won't be sorry you did!! 


  1. I just started the Paleo diet today, reading this gives me encouragement. Have an avacado with and egg in the middle in the oven right now... TASTY!

    1. If I can do it ANYone can do it!! Good luck, hope you have great results! :)

  2. Food addiction is such an accurate description...because I dream about bread & pasta, knowing that in just a short amount of time, they will be mine! Crazy how we've conditioned ourselves to EAT so much :D

    1. I know!! How much we eat and all the junk it usually is.. o and i plan to eat some heavenly pasta in celebration of your birthday next week!! Lol
