
Friday, August 2, 2013

30 day challenge

Well friends, I have decided to jump on the paleo bandwagon. Hey it could be a worse bandwagon that's for sure. I have been looking for a way to get healthy but have been putting it off because lets be honest I love my food. But I finally think its time to try something different so I have started the 30 day paleo challenge. I figured I better give it a whirl before I changed my mind.

So I started googling and trying to figure out exactly what was expected during the 30 days. I found a lot of information and found these two blogs most helpful, The Whole 9 and YIS. They both explained things very clearly and helped me wrapped my brain around this thing I was about to jump into for a month. 

I started on Thursday and am finishing up my second day. So far it hasn't been too bad but I think this is because a week and a half ago I cut out my dear Dr Pepper in preparation. That was the hardest transition because I had a slight Dr Pepper addiction (to say the least). I'll keep you updated on my progress, lets hope these 30 days will be worth it. :)


  1. Yay for clean eating. Sigh, we'll see how you look next weekend and that'll help me decide if I'm gonna do it :D

  2. I hope to look good enough to persuade you!!! Well get you all set up so you can start your challenge :)
