
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy 12th Birthday Daddy!

The Love of a Father
(Demi Lovato’s For the Love of a Daughter Remake)

12 years old with a life fully lived
All I can think is how proud I am
Your selfless hands always giving more
I’m your child and you’re much adored
You have such a big heart
It must be heavy in your chest
I try hard to be like you so I’m hopeful
Hopeful so hopeful
Oh Father please Father
I never want to you to leave me alone cuz I can’t let you go
Oh Father Thanks Father
For giving me the love of a father
It’s been 20 years that I’ve loved you so
There’s no taking back all that we ever had
I feel like a princess because of you
Now I love you just doesn’t seem like enough
Don’t forget that I’m your baby girl
Thank you for giving me my entire world
Taught me to love and to trust
To put faith in the one that died on a cross
Don’t forget that I’m your baby girl
Thank you for giving me my entire world
 For teaching me to be a lady but not a helpless girl
To never need a man to be complete (that’s what Jesus is for)
You have such a big heart
It must be heavy in your chest
I try so hard to be like you so I’m hopeful
Hopeful so hopeful
Oh Father please Father
Never leave me alone cuz I don't want let you go
Oh Father Thanks Daddy
For giving me the love of a father

Leap Year

Leap Year comes around once every four years. For most people it signifies things like the presidential elections and the Olympics but for me and my sisters it is all about the best dad in the world's birthday! It was always fun to mess with people when they asked how old your dad was and you say something like 8 and cause them to look at you like you've lost it. This year our dad will be the big 1-2. :)

He has taught us so much that i couldn't even begin to write it all down because I'm sure id win some reward for longest blog post ever! He is not perfect and never claimed to be but he loves Jesus with all his heart and taught us to always put Him first and the rest will fall into place. He taught us about forgiveness and love. He taught some of us how to read before our mom took over because we weren't quite getting it coughdehlicough. He always let us know that we could always come to him with anything but at the same let it be known that he was our father not our best friend and when the situation called for it always gave our a quick and fair (well i say fair now when you re a kid getting punished none of it is fair!) punishment. Between the four of us we could tell you stories for days about the good times we've had together and the things we've learned from our dad.

In the recent years of my life I have come to the realization that not everybody was blessed with parents like me. I know what you re thinking "duh Alex". but i seriously didn't really thinking about how different families were until after i got married and had to see how another family interacted and treated each other. It was very eye opening and heartbreaking actually if I'm going to be completely honest. So maybe you are one of those who doesn't have the best examples when it comes to parents let me take a minute to direct you to the best parent anyone could ever ask for, Jesus! If you're earthly parents failed miserably He is able to fill the gaps and go beyond your wildest dreams. :)
And if you were blessed with great parents or a great parent (i know some homes only have one) then tell them often how much you appreciate them. Do not wait until its too late to tell of their goodness. It doesn't have to be a special occasion or holiday just call, text, tweet, facebook, email or however it is you contact them and let them know how much you care and appreciate everything they've done for you.

Happy Birthday Daddy!! We love you so much and hope we carry on in a way that makes you proud <3

Monday, February 20, 2012

Is Olivia Love?

Just read my sister's blog and she challenged me to put my name in the place of love in 1 Corinthians 13 let's see how I stack up.

Olivia is patient, Olivia is kind. She does not envy, She does not boast, she is not proud. She does not dishonor others, she is not self-seeking, she is not easily angered, she keeps no record of wrongs. Olivia does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. She always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

 (with God) Olivia never fails.

Not anywhere near accurate I think the only ones I have are not easily angered and Olivia never fails BUT only with God. Something to work for I guess and i'm happy to spend a lifetime trying to love like Jesus.

Thanks Tashybear

Friday, February 17, 2012

Dress for Success..

My boyfriend and I went out for our 2nd Valentine's Day! :) I wanted to get something really nice to wear. So right before valentines day I took a trip to Dallas, Texas and went shopping with my sister. We went to Charlotte Russe and I picked out about 5 dresses and none of them fit right. So Tasha went out and picked out about 3 dresses. One of those was the winner. It was one sleeve, pink, and short.  Here are some pictures of my outfit from that night..

Alan and I

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

They call it love.

I'll be the first to say that I am a hopeless, helpless, head over heels romantic (even though I sometimes I try to hide it by running around screaming, Love is Evil spelled backwards, haha). I love love songs and love stories and sappy romance movies. I cry during them and am proud of it. In fact, I'm just about to turn on the Notebook and end this day of Love with a great love movie.

But that's not what this post is about...This post is about a love that has lasted 27 years, a love that birthed four daughters, 1 grandson and 1 granddaughter...This day of love also happens to be our parent's 27th wedding anniversary! Yes, you read that right...27 years. They weren't always great years but they stuck it out and gave their four girls one of the best examples of love that they'll ever know. So this post is for them.

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!

Here's a picture from their wedding day, all those years ago! Haha.

Love y'all!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Smile you are loved

I figure since Valentines Day is right around the corner a post on love would be fitting. I do not particularly care for the holiday myself, if its your cup of tea please enjoy, but i am all for LOVE. Love is something that everybody desires. (Yes even you) Being loved truly by somebody and loving somebody truly is what makes the world seem right. Maybe you dont have an actual person sitting next to you that is showering you with love today but you do have a Saviour who loves you unconditionally!
He loved you before you were born,
He loved you when you were an adorable little kid running around in pampers,
He loved you when you grew up and wanted to try and do things your own way,
He loves you even though you may not love yourself,
He loves you more than you could even fathom, so much so that He laid down His life for you
and He wants to shower His love down on you.

I found this picture on (such an awesome website, that i am currently addicted to, um I mean in love with and spend way too much time on but i digress) and i thought i would share because it touched my heart. I hope you enjoy it.

You are as happy as you make up your mind to be
They are only safety pinned because I have no idea how to sew ha-ray for moms! I hope the finished products turn out as nice as they look in my head or I just ruined ALL of my dresses hehe. Sisters what do y'all think do I have the creative gene?

Friday, February 10, 2012

Well I think I'll just claim this blog for myself since my sisters are NOT posting. So until they do I'll just have to post about whatever crosses my mind. I've already posted once today but I didn't post yesterday so it balances out (right?). Anyways, my second post is going to be about my hair. Or more like the rat's nest I call hair. I haven't put a relaxer in in over a year so the frizz is disheartening. A few days ago I washed it after throwing it up in a bun for days (maybe a week but who's counting) and it took about 20 minutes to comb out. So since then I've been combing it dry (yikes) each night and then putting it into braids in between washes. Wanna see the nightmare?

There you have it my hair combed dry with out any product. I think I need to be in a before and after hair commercial! (I'll post the after shot on a day I actually do my hair)

God Bless America
Colored in all the states I've been to hoping one day they will all be colored. Then on to the world :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Random Morbid Morning
Picture this. Waking up at 5:30 tears streaming down your face not just a few but a waterfall coming from your very own eyes. unable to think barely able to breath...that was my morning. I had a dream that one of my 3 besties AKA sisters died (Dellyfish). It was the most vivid dream I've ever had and I never want to experience that heart arch in real life so just to let my lovely sisters know:
Morbid yes! random also yes! Slightly funny maybe. Joke no.

Okay I'm done being gloom and doom.....For the time being anyways

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

You guys have created a MONSTER! I love blogging!!!
Anyways on to the post. This TV/Movie partial internet/book fast that I'm on right now has been so very hard but eye opening. It's day 7 and yesterday to kill time in between my classes I went for a walk with my camera in hand at the battery. Most of it was pretty uneventful a flower here and there, random tourists but when I saw this bird I just had to get a picture. I thought for sure I was going to get attacked by seagulls but it was worth it because I got my picture and one was all he (or she) would let me have. When I look at this picture it makes me happy . Not because this poor bird has only one foot but that this inspiring bird is getting by just fine with one foot. How many feet do you have? What's your excuse?
                Besties, confidants, partners in crime, sometimes pains in the butt but always sisters.

Yay I'm the first post! I sure do miss my big sisters and I can't wait until we are all together again.