
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

You guys have created a MONSTER! I love blogging!!!
Anyways on to the post. This TV/Movie partial internet/book fast that I'm on right now has been so very hard but eye opening. It's day 7 and yesterday to kill time in between my classes I went for a walk with my camera in hand at the battery. Most of it was pretty uneventful a flower here and there, random tourists but when I saw this bird I just had to get a picture. I thought for sure I was going to get attacked by seagulls but it was worth it because I got my picture and one was all he (or she) would let me have. When I look at this picture it makes me happy . Not because this poor bird has only one foot but that this inspiring bird is getting by just fine with one foot. How many feet do you have? What's your excuse?


  1. Ouch...way to get all up in my kool-aid, hahaha. I have two feet. My excuse, I'm scared, nervous...something like that. Thanks for the thought provoking post, Liver.
