
Monday, February 20, 2012

Is Olivia Love?

Just read my sister's blog and she challenged me to put my name in the place of love in 1 Corinthians 13 let's see how I stack up.

Olivia is patient, Olivia is kind. She does not envy, She does not boast, she is not proud. She does not dishonor others, she is not self-seeking, she is not easily angered, she keeps no record of wrongs. Olivia does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. She always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

 (with God) Olivia never fails.

Not anywhere near accurate I think the only ones I have are not easily angered and Olivia never fails BUT only with God. Something to work for I guess and i'm happy to spend a lifetime trying to love like Jesus.

Thanks Tashybear


  1. I love this. I had my youth class read it that day one day and it's a big eye opener. Maybe if I read it this way each and every morning I would begin to allow the Lord to change me in areas that need a lot of work.

    btw - I attempted to reply to your sweet comment on my post but your email address said no-reply blogger. bummed!
    on your motivation to start running again, it's helped me to surround myself with motivational quotes and friends with the same interests. hope you get to running again. best wishes friend. :)

    1. okay just noticed that this blog has more than one contributor. sorry!

      the second part of the above comment was for Natasha L'nei. sorry again!

    2. Thanks Leah!! (although i am neither the writer of this post or Natasha! LOL way to make it confusing for you) But i completely agree with you statement when you read it this way its very eye opening. You see what areas you have some (ok maybe a lot) of room to grow! I hope you get closer and closer to Gods example everyday :)

    3. Thanks for the tip, Leah! I'm going to start complying a list of quotes (and gathering friends that like to run, lol) and hopefully this will work for me too! :D

  2. This is so good! I'm gonna try it
