
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

They call it love.

I'll be the first to say that I am a hopeless, helpless, head over heels romantic (even though I sometimes I try to hide it by running around screaming, Love is Evil spelled backwards, haha). I love love songs and love stories and sappy romance movies. I cry during them and am proud of it. In fact, I'm just about to turn on the Notebook and end this day of Love with a great love movie.

But that's not what this post is about...This post is about a love that has lasted 27 years, a love that birthed four daughters, 1 grandson and 1 granddaughter...This day of love also happens to be our parent's 27th wedding anniversary! Yes, you read that right...27 years. They weren't always great years but they stuck it out and gave their four girls one of the best examples of love that they'll ever know. So this post is for them.

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!

Here's a picture from their wedding day, all those years ago! Haha.

Love y'all!


  1. Happy anniversary mom and dad!!! <3

  2. YAY Mom and Dad. We need to start planning a trip or something special for their 30th (and Alex's 30th bday hehe)

  3. For really! It'll be here before we know it!
