
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Year

Leap Year comes around once every four years. For most people it signifies things like the presidential elections and the Olympics but for me and my sisters it is all about the best dad in the world's birthday! It was always fun to mess with people when they asked how old your dad was and you say something like 8 and cause them to look at you like you've lost it. This year our dad will be the big 1-2. :)

He has taught us so much that i couldn't even begin to write it all down because I'm sure id win some reward for longest blog post ever! He is not perfect and never claimed to be but he loves Jesus with all his heart and taught us to always put Him first and the rest will fall into place. He taught us about forgiveness and love. He taught some of us how to read before our mom took over because we weren't quite getting it coughdehlicough. He always let us know that we could always come to him with anything but at the same let it be known that he was our father not our best friend and when the situation called for it always gave our a quick and fair (well i say fair now when you re a kid getting punished none of it is fair!) punishment. Between the four of us we could tell you stories for days about the good times we've had together and the things we've learned from our dad.

In the recent years of my life I have come to the realization that not everybody was blessed with parents like me. I know what you re thinking "duh Alex". but i seriously didn't really thinking about how different families were until after i got married and had to see how another family interacted and treated each other. It was very eye opening and heartbreaking actually if I'm going to be completely honest. So maybe you are one of those who doesn't have the best examples when it comes to parents let me take a minute to direct you to the best parent anyone could ever ask for, Jesus! If you're earthly parents failed miserably He is able to fill the gaps and go beyond your wildest dreams. :)
And if you were blessed with great parents or a great parent (i know some homes only have one) then tell them often how much you appreciate them. Do not wait until its too late to tell of their goodness. It doesn't have to be a special occasion or holiday just call, text, tweet, facebook, email or however it is you contact them and let them know how much you care and appreciate everything they've done for you.

Happy Birthday Daddy!! We love you so much and hope we carry on in a way that makes you proud <3

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