
Monday, February 13, 2012

Smile you are loved

I figure since Valentines Day is right around the corner a post on love would be fitting. I do not particularly care for the holiday myself, if its your cup of tea please enjoy, but i am all for LOVE. Love is something that everybody desires. (Yes even you) Being loved truly by somebody and loving somebody truly is what makes the world seem right. Maybe you dont have an actual person sitting next to you that is showering you with love today but you do have a Saviour who loves you unconditionally!
He loved you before you were born,
He loved you when you were an adorable little kid running around in pampers,
He loved you when you grew up and wanted to try and do things your own way,
He loves you even though you may not love yourself,
He loves you more than you could even fathom, so much so that He laid down His life for you
and He wants to shower His love down on you.

I found this picture on (such an awesome website, that i am currently addicted to, um I mean in love with and spend way too much time on but i digress) and i thought i would share because it touched my heart. I hope you enjoy it.

You are as happy as you make up your mind to be

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Finally a post! I love this post people are so concerned with finding someone to love on this earth that we as people forget that there is a God who has loved us from the beginning!

    Happy V-day Sisters of mine
