
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Favorite Scripture's my day again. This past week just flew by! Today, I thought I'd write about my favorite scripture (Our blog is totally and completely random, but I guess, that's the beauty in the chaos).

When people ask me what my favorite scripture is I usually freeze. My mind goes blank and the only scripture I can ever think of is John 3:16...which is a great scripture, and probably the first I ever memorized...long before we were ever attending church...however, it is NOT my favorite. LOL. It is (or it was):
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
And basically, I said alllllllll that to say that my new favorite scripture is:
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:5-7
I think that above all else, we must be in love with God. Only when we truly LOVE him will we be able to passionately live for him and obey his word. I really like this scripture because it shows the important of spreading that love around to other people, specifically at four different times throughout our day:
1. When you sit at home - That means when you're sitting down to eat dinner, when you're sitting on the couch, when you're sitting out on the porch with family, God should never been far from your thoughts and conversations. God isn't just something for Sunday Morning church services, but He must be taken home with you. Instead of eating with the TV on and the cellphone out, try talking about God or reading your Bible. 
2. When you walk along the road - Since they walked most everywhere they went back in the day, I imagine that God meant for them to talk about Him when they walked to and from work and when they went to draw water from the well and when they headed over to the neighbor's house to share the latest gossip. Turn the radio off in the car every once in a while, say a prayer for the people you pass (or that pass you, if you don't have a lead foot, like me). Take your headphones out of your ears, say hi to the people you walk by. 
3. When you lie down - Bedtime prayers...not something invented by parent's to make children sleepy. Hahaha. Right before bed a great time to unwind from the day, to check back in with God. 
4. When you get up - The Bible says in Psalms 3 that we lie down and sleep and wake the next day because the Lord sustained us...thank Him for it :)
I bet we would be amazed at the opportunities we miss every day to talk to someone about God or even just the chances we have to be kind to someone because we are so distracted by other things. Or how about all those things that he's waiting to tell you about your life, things that you are eager to hear as well, things that he hasn't gotten the chance to tell you yet, because you just haven't spent any time with him lately.

Pay attention.
Be aware of the people around you.
Make time for the Creator of your world.
Keep your eyes open.


  1. Very nice, something we all need to be reminded of

  2. Yeah, I felt like I was writing in my diary or something, because everything I wrote I was writing to myself. Hahaha :)
