
Thursday, October 4, 2012

School might not be so overrated

I've never been excited about my college major; Accounting. When asked why I chose it I'd reply very vaguely with a 'I'm good at math' or 'job security.' It's not awful by any means but I sure wasn't passionate about it. Yesterday, however, we had a guest speaker, Perry something or other, a NMSU graduate who majored in accounting. Mr. Perry didn't just give a lecture for an hour and a half; he told us a little about his background and let us ask questions. He spoke of all the different things you can do with an accounting degree, he pushed graduate school while you are still in school mode (bleh), he informed us that he currently makes 2 MILLION dollars a year, and that we, as entry level public accounting students, can make a starting salary of about $50,000. All that made me VERY excited but my favorite part about Perry was that he took every chance he got to glorify God, which is uncommon on a college campus. He said that putting faith and family before your career is the most important thing you can do. 

So basically 2 and a half years later I know I made the right choice sticking with accounting. Who knows maybe that'll be me in 30 years making the big bucks, giving inspirational speeches, but most importantly using a career field to uplift my God.


  1. two MILLION dollars?!?! I think you made the right choice too! lol Im glad you are finally at peace with your decision :)

  2. WOW. thats a lot of money!! HOLLA ;) but im so glad you stuck it out baby sister! I know you will find a great job after school!

  3. Holla back, young'n for real! hahaha can't wait til we...i mean you are banking. Just kidding...glad you're finally liking it!
